A Gift from My Mother-in-Law


This morning I hard boiled some eggs.  I like to keep a bowl of them in the fridge to add to a lunch salad, or make egg salad when there’s nothing for dinner.  And my husband likes to eat them for an easy morning snack at work and it drives me crazy when he buys them for $1.50 each at the canteen.  So very early this morning, before work, I was boiling eggs.  And sending up a thankful prayer to my mother-in-law, Cat.

Cat taught me many things, one of which was how to hard boil eggs.  You know how sometimes you cook them and the shell comes off in little bitty pieces, taking deep chunks of your egg?  With Cat’s method the shell always comes off smooth and easy.

  • Take a pot of cold water and put your eggs in it, submerged in the water. Yes, cold water.
  • Turn on the heat and partially cover the pot. Get it to boiling.
  • Boil for just a few minutes, then turn off the heat and cover the pot all the way.
  • Let it sit for awhile.
  • Drain and refrigerate your perfect eggs.

I wonder what little thing will I teach someone, that will make them remember me with love?

7 thoughts on “A Gift from My Mother-in-Law

  1. Such clarity in your writing showing the power of small, daily things. I have tried various methods of boiling eggs – for me the issue is usually, “Did I start the timer?”

    Liked by 2 people

  2. What a beautiful way to remember…..What I loved best with your piece was how you chatted about a topic, surprised us all with a recipe and yet the point was remembrance. I have no doubt there are many things people hold dear that helps them recall you now! That is one of the gifts given for being teacher 🙂


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