For My Daughter Riding the Bus


from me, rattling over

Hot dusty corrugated clay,

chickens and rifles accompanying her

a yellow minion piñata accompanying her

fish wrapped in leaves in plastic bags with chunks of ice

knotted at the top, accompanying  her

My daughter is riding the bus


Full of goodbyes said and unsaid and

Regrets for opportunities missed,

Work undone, for having remained

Uncomfortable – uncomfortable work

amongst  people, some beloved, some respected,

some tolerated, some a threat to escape

To return home

to a relationship dissolved.

Winter clothes, books and dishes in boxes at mom and dad’s

Mattress in their garage, her lover

Back at his house.   Alone?  Maybe,

Maybe not.  Jealousy is not fun, uncertainty

Is not either.


regrets, I say,

Collect yourself, remember yourself,

Collect your true self and wrap it around you as a blanket

that provides just the warmth or coolness you need for

Wherever you are.

You are fine, you are so so fine, you can

Do this.



6 thoughts on “For My Daughter Riding the Bus

  1. This is so, so beautiful. “Collect your true self and wrap it around you as a blanket that provides just the warmth or coolness you need for Wherever you are.” Your poem really speaks to me, I hope it speaks to your daughter! Thank you for a great way to start my day!


  2. This is such a profoundly loving poem, Fran. It truly reflects that special mother-daughter bond and the hope we have for our kids to realize they will be fine even when the hurt runs deep.


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